Mark Medeiros

Mark Medeiros
BA Digital Media

betta splendens
Digital Photography
20" x 13.3" @ 300 ppi

I created “betta splendens” to create images that show the peaceful, dreamlike world of a planted aquarium. In this specific tank are four different species of fish, but the main character within this small aquatic world is the betta splendens (Siamese Fighting Fish). My goal is to make peaceful yet dramatic images using different techniques and lighting, as well as the plants, terrain, and fish within this aquarium.

This series was started during the quarantine against COVID – 19 in the Spring of 2020. While being stuck indoors I searched for a way I could create a new world using photography. One of the few things that made me feel at peace and grounded against the chaotic situation everyone has been dealing with, was my fish tank. I want my audience to feel as if they are in this tropical, aquatic world. I hope that the audience can admire the beauty of these creatures as well as their interesting and constantly growing ecosystem. Many of my other projects have been about world-building and creating something new to the human eye. I found that it would be interesting and challenging to try and create a new world by creating images using something very real and recognizable to most humans.

(Click the images for full details.)

Mark Medeiros