Alexandra Teare

Alexandra Teare
BFA Ceramics/BA Art History

Ceramic, canvas, spray paint, yarn, Sharpie
8" x 5" x 10"

These pieces directly speak to an issue that I have been researching in depth for the past two years: maternal mortality and its rising statistics in the US.

“Womb” is an ever-evolving piece that is meant to evoke visual imagery of the growing, expanding, stretching, and scarring of the womb as a baby takes host inside of it. The suturing of the vessels through the canvas are meant to evoke imagery of medicinal interventions regarding the host of the womb and of caesarian sections, of which 21% of births are comprised. There are extreme postnatal health risks related to caesarian sections, and yet the US remains at one of the highest rates of caesarian sections among first world countries; many of which are later deemed medically unnecessary. The colors on this series (not shown) piece reflect the simplified ratio of issues relating to prenatal and postnatal health emergencies. The statistics are exemplified in this piece in order to raise awareness of this issue, and it remains the main focus of multiple of my research projects.

(Click the images for full details.)

Alexandra Teare