Liliya Krys


Beach Scene
Gouache on paper
14" x 17"; 17" x 27.5"; 16" x 20"

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Lake Series 2
Gouache on paper
20" x 16"

Liliya Krys

We live on the ocean, our cradle of life.  Our connection to water, water masses, is genetically rooted.  There the three primal elements: air, water and land sharing space. I am interested in observing the interactions of that space and people.  I go to beaches and do these “fast” paintings, about three hours or so, to obtain the immediacy of that relationship of the elements and the subjects, as I feel the most truthful in my intuitive observations.

Sometimes I ask people if I can paint them, and sometimes I use them as unsuspecting “victims."  In either case, they are not professional models, and they move freely, just like the wind and water. These paintings are about the human condition, about being alive in the moment

Liliya Krys